
Praise the Lord . My name is evangelist Frau Lichtenau . I use to have an Object moving in my body , a migraine and in the house were I leave witchcraft spirit disturbs me a lot. Prophet love came to my house and prayed for me . Since that time , I am healed from migraine , I don’t  feel the moving object in my body  anymore and the witchcraft disappeared . I am now free . Jesus is Lord , my time has come .


Praise the Lord . My name is Uwe . I am from Germany . I met prophet Love at Casablanca-Morocco . He prayed for me , counselled me , advised me and brought me to know Jesus .

Last week I was imprisoned by the German police due after my trip from Ghana . Man of God Prophet Love had mercy on me . He paid the debt for me and arranged for my release from Jail . Now , I can go to work and cater for my Family.Thank you Jesus . my time has come .

Testimony : Thank you Je……….sus . Jesus Lovers ! : Power to the People .I leave in Berlin in Germany but I use to suffer serious financial hardship and career problems. But since I met my spiritual Father the servant of the most high God ( Prophet Love Tortor ), everything changed .I am a Boxer and a Model .On the 31st December 2020, I came to Prophet and God used the Prophet to pray for me and since then I am getting huge contracts from around the world . My businesses are booming and I am now helping the needy in my country . Glory be to Je………sus ! Glory be to God.

Testimony : She says Lord I thank you for this wonderful Testimony .
The Cancer could no longer be found by the German Doctors .By a word of Prophecy through the great man of God ( Prophet Love Tortor ) the cancer disappeared . Jesus ist Lord of all Lords

Gedion Florence


TESTIMONY : He says I live Germany . I am facing challenges to get work and sometimes if I get a small job it is not stable . I always lose my Job . But when I met Prophet Love and he prayed for me JOBs ware chasing me . Now I have enough money and I am ok. Thank you Jesus .

TESTIMONY : She said , I live in Berlin Germany . I use to have severe pain in my Stomach . But when Prophet Love Tortor prayed for me , immedietly the Pain left me and I felt very well . Glory be to Jesus .

He says praise the Lord : I was passing through very financial challenges and the Lord used Prophet Love Tortor to locate me and to prophesy into my life . He said the money I was having in my Hand ,which was my last money , I should share it to the needy . Three days after I obeyed the prophesy , I received check from an old friend and he said I should write in the amonut I needed . Thank you Jesus , Thank you Jesus .

Testimony : She said : A prophetess prophesy into my life that I am going to die . The prophetess said , she saw my cofin . Since then , I also began to see cofins in my dream and I don't fell well . After I heard about the grace auf God upon Prophet Love Tortor , I told him about it . He asked me to sow a seed of anything out of my heart , which i did . Since then I don't see those dreams again and my work and relationship are doing very well . Thank you Jesus . Jesus is the same yesterday today and for every !

TESTIMONY : He says , my name is Felix , I live in Berlin Germany . I am a member of a church in Berlin . Last time to my surprise I saw prophet Love Tortor in my dream praying for me and many other people . When I woke up from the dream ,I felt relieved , very ecxited and strenghtened in my Christian life .

Testimony in December 2019 A woman applied for a Visa to Germany and was rejected. She met Prophet Love at the Embassy and she cried out to the God of Prophet Love Tortor. Thirty Minutes after she received the rejection Letter, she was called by the officer who wrote the rejection Letter, to come back into the Embassy.The Officer cancelled the rejection Letter and gave her the Visa as applied to fly to Germany the next day !!! What a wonderful God.Jesus is the miracle working God

2.Testimony in December 2019 the same woman came to Germany and she was told to live the country immediatly her visa expires but a day before her Visa expires, she cried agian ,to the GOD OF PROPHET LOVE TORTOR and went to the foreign office in Berlin , four hours after she got the, they gave her a stay in Germany and all the necessary permits. THIS IS JESUS IN ACTION. A BIG THANK YOU IS A RESPOND FROM A HAPPY HEART . THANK YOU JESUS .

TESTIMONY She says: My name today is Rev. Prophetess L.A.When the calling of God came upon me to do His work, I did not know how to go about it because I needed training and Prophet Love does not live only in Ghana but also in Europe so he can not always be there to train me. He sponsored me to go to a professional Bible School here in Ghana for training. Last two weeks, I graduated as a reverent minister of God with all the certificate I needed to open a church here in Ghana. Thank you soooooooooo much, Jesus, for the life of your mighty Prophet !

TESTIMONY Praise the Living Jesus. He says my name is Amos brown. I am a Photographer living with my wife and children at medina Accra Ghana. Business with Photography has become very difficult nowadays in Ghana. After Prophet Love heard my story, he gave me money to buy a car to use for a Taxi to help my Family. Today I am not only a Car owner but also a proud Taxi owner. Me and my Family are very grateful to God and to His Prophet. Tha............nk you, Jesus !

TESTIMONY They said. We are called Berliner Football Club ( BFC). We invited Prophet Love Tortor of Jesus Lovers International to our championship tournament Dusseldorf in Germany. In the Championship, we played against Atletico-Madrid, AC-Milan, Inter Milan, Norwich city, HSV Hamburg and Lokomotiv Moskau. After Prophet Love motivated us and prayed for us we became very victorious as champions Thank you Prophet Love ! Your God is a living God .

TESTIMONY my name is Evander Junario. I am a Boxer. I began with Boxing some few months ago, but I have not gotten a professional boxing opportunity before until I met the prophet of the most high God: Prophet Tortor in Berlin-Germany. Short after he prayed for me I got a professional fight but I have not been in the ring before so I was afraid. On the day the fight was scheduled I came to him in the morning and he laid his hand on my forehead and prayed for me for about 20 seconds and he ask me to go. I won the fight in a way I cannot explain. !!! What a divine Intervention.What a miraculous God. Thank you Jesus for your intervention. I will always serve you Jesus !!! Thank you, thank you ,thank you Jesus !!!!!

TESTIMONY They say their names are Christina and Aruna( they are a married couple )living at Kisema Accra Ghana. Prophet Love Tortor came with his wife Prophetess Lucy Tortor to our area three weeks ago and they decided to visit our home. Immediately Prophet Love sat down, he said there is a juju man in a particular house which he pointed out to go and arrest immediately. And he described the man and his rituals accurately. aside from that, he gave us more accurate prophecies of which we were very surprised how he could know such deep secrets of our life like that. Glory glory glory. Our Lord is good. Senior Prophet Love Tortor MAY GOD CONTINUE TO USE YOU

TESTIMONY My Name is Benjas. Am a professional Footballer for Victoria Mitte. Prophet Love Tortor lived with us for some Time in Berlin Mitte ( Swinemünder Strasse )Germany. He always prays for us in the evening and there were a lot of Testimonies. But one shocking Testimony was when he predicted a Football match in which I was playing. He said we will score 5:2 and that is exactly what happened. I am so surprised and soooo shocked. It is super to be a child of God and to experience His Super Power through his Major Prophet, Prophet Love .......... Vielen Dank Jesus ( german )Gaaaaaanz super !

TESTIMONY He says my name is Mr W . I live in Berlin Germany. I was having excruciating pains in my left thigh for two months now. But three days ago I met Prophet Love Tortor in Charlottenburg. he prayed for me and immediately the pain was gone. Since then I don´t need any walking aid anymore.

MIRACULOUS TESTIMONY. She says: my name is rev. L. Aside from the work of God I have also a provision shop in Accra Medina Asalebotwe near Prophet Loves Church ( Jesus Lovers International) . One day I was in my Shop and I fell asleep. Some people came to steal my bag which contains my wallet, my money, my keys, my mobile money mobile phone, and my Documents. Then I called Papa Prophet Love Tortor. He told me that the thieves will bring the bag back. After three days, I was very very very very very excited that truly the thieve brought the bag back with my phone, with my wallet. What a miracle. I have never heard this type of miracle before. This is truly a major prophet of God. May God continue to use you more papa. God bless you.

Testimony He says: good morning. I want to thank God soooooo much for what He has done for me . My name is Apostel Emmanuel. I heard that prophet tortor came to ghana , so i went to the church service at Accra Medina Asale Botwe . In fact ,aside from the work of God i also have a tailoring shop, i have been praying for about nine years to get some money to buy a particular machine to hlep me do the work effectively but my prayers remain without result. THREE DAYS AFTER I PRAYED WITH THE MAN OF GOD PROPHET TORTOR . I GOT THE MACHINE MIRACULOUSLY. A COMPANY CALL ME TO COME FOR THE MONEY FOR THE MACHINE. What a marvelous God we serve . GLORY BE TO JESUS .

Testimony. We have a fitting shop in Accra. The Man of God prophet Tortor brought one of his cars for repairs in our Fitting shop . Because we know that he is a man of God and anything that gets in contact with an anointed man of God is anointed, we entered into the car by faith and prayed. We kept on having great breakthroughs from then until the car was repaired and taken away. THANK YOU JESUS .

TESTIMONY :They said : We are from Ghana but we live in Germany .Last week we met Senior Prophet Love Tortor at Friedrichstrasse in Berlin Germany and we told him that we are also from Ghana. We told him that Ghana is playing against Genea Bissau, so we ask Senior Prophet Love who is going to win the match and he says we should buy him two small bags of Cashew nuts from the supermarket. With joy we got him two bags of cashew nuts ( 150gramm each ) and he said Ghana will win 2 Goals and that is what happened. GHANA WON 2 GOALS. WAOOOOO WHAT A PROPHET. PROPHET LOVE , I salut. Accurate prophecy.

TESTIMONY . She says, my name is prophetess D. I live in Accra Agbogba Ghana and I have my church also at Agbogba Accra. Some days after I came from Missionary in the North of Ghana, I became very very ill and very sick.I could not walk again, I could not minister in my church any more. Days after prayers when the situation became worse my relatives called Prophet Love. Before he got there I was taken in a Taxi to be taken to the Hospital because I became unconscious of my self and very wick. Prophet Love located the Taxi prophetically and he asked the Taxi driver to stop the Taxi. He prayed for me in the Taxi and immediately I became very strong and I began to walk till today. Jesus is Lord. May God continue to use you prophet Love . Thank you Jesus .

Testimony He says: good morning. I want to thank God soooooo much for what He has done for me . My name is Apostel Emmanuel. I heard that prophet tortor came to ghana , so i went to the church service at Accra Medina Asale Botwe . In fact ,aside from the work of God i also have a tailoring shop, i have been praying for about nine years to get some money to buy a particular machine to hlep me do the work effectively but my prayers remain without result. THREE DAYS AFTER I PRAYED WITH THE MAN OF GOD PROPHET TORTOR . I GOT THE MACHINE MIRACULOUSLY. A COMPANY CALL ME TO COME FOR THE MONEY FOR THE MACHINE. What a marvelous God we serve . GLORY BE TO JESUS .

Testimony in accra. He says: i was very desperate and in a bad situation, in need of money and work when i met prophet Hoenscheid at alajo in accra on a sunday afternoon . I told him that i don`t even have money for transportation to go back home . He took me in his car and brought me to a place where i could get home easier . Before i got out of His car , he prayed a very short prayer for me and said at the end of June, which was the next month i will get a Job. I was very surprise that exactly at the end of June as the prophet said I , a hopeless and a Jobless man as i was , got a very very well paid Job in an european company in Ghana. The required qualification for the Job was very much more than i could provide, but to God be the glory, they gave me the Job without any hustle. Indeed Jesus loves His Children Now, I am in the process for promotion in the Company which i just startet to work for just some few months ago . Thank you Jeeeeeesus !

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2 Chronicles 20:20 …Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.“

Give to the Lord

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.